It attempted to explain in greater detail why Carol Anne was targeted, and introduces the sinister Reverend Kane.
This film provides examples of:
- Action Insurance Gag: The father is trying to explain to the insurance company how his house (which vanished in the first film) has completely disappeared without a trace.
- Adult Fear: Carol Anne gets separated from her mom at the store, at which point Reverend Kane approaches her...
- And I Must Scream: Kane and his cult sealed themselves into a cave because he was predicting the end of the world. The date for the supposed apocalypse came and went, but Kane didn't let them leave. Judging by the placement of all the skeletons in the cave, they were trapped down there until they starved to death.
- Braces of Orthodontic Overkill: Well, they were fine until the wires tried to eat him.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Dana is not in the second film because the actress playing her was dead and no explanation is given for where she is. The original script had a line mentioning that she was away at college but the scene never made it to the final film.
- Cool Old Lady: Diane's mother.
- Daylight Horror: Kane's first appearance. And his second, if you don't count the rain.
- Deadpan Snarker: Steven again.
- Empathic Environment: Instant rain, just add Kane
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: The power of the Freelings was their love, and Kane hated them for it. He is expelled from Steven immediately when Diane says "I love you." It's probably not an emotion he felt in life.
- Ironic Echo: "We want the angel"
- Magical Native American: Taylor.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Julian Beck was one of the most loving people on Earth. One of the saddest things about Poltergeist II was that Beck was literally dying of cancer during the filming, and it shows.
- Novelization: By James Kahn.
- Orifice Invasion: The second movie shows why you never swallow the tequila worm.
- Orifice Evacuation: Eventually, it wants out.
- Retcon: The second movie reveals that the angry ghosts weren't from the desecrated cemetery under the Freelings' house, but rather from a cavern, containing the remains of an ancient religious cult, located UNDER the desecrated cemetery under the Freelings' house.
- Sinister Minister: Reverend Kane. He is the Beast
- Vampire Invitation: Reverend Kane repeatedly tries to convince the family to let him in because of this.
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