Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Series Project: Poltergeist

Three films, one curse, and thousands of traumatized children. The Series Project looks deeply into the three Poltergeist movies.

Poltergeist III (dir. Gary Sherman, 1988)

Poltergeist 3 posterThis film was released shortly after the death of Heather O'Rourke, who died at age 12 of toxic complications attached to her misdiagnosed intestinal stenosis. She is interred in a nice mausoleum in Westwood, where many actors and celebrities are buried. I've seen her plaque. The Poltergeist movies have been famously noted for their “curse,” as so many people involved with them met horrible fates. Dominique Dunne, the older sister, you may have noticed, wasn't in Poltergeist II. It's because she was murdered shortly after the original was completed. Julian Back and Will Sampson also died shortly after their stints in the Poltergeist movies, one from an old cancer, and the other from a having an organ transplant. Zelda Rubinstein died in 2010.Another element of the curse: Poltergeist III is pretty dumb. The premise: It's been a few years. Carol-Anne (O'Rourke) has been moved to her aunt and uncle's high rise apartment in Chicago. The rest of the family is not in this film. Carol-Anne's aunt and uncle are played by Nancy Allen and Tom Skerritt. Her teenage cousin Donna is played by Lara Flynn Boyle. She is attending a school for mentally-traumatized-yet-still-gifted children. This is a new wrinkle. Not only is Carol-Anne very intelligent, but she also is credited for having psychic gifts. This may have been why Kane was stalking her in the last film, and why he reappears in this one to finish the job. Kane is now only an apparition that appears in mirrors, and is played by Nathan Davis.


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