Saturday, October 20, 2012

Third Plot Idea for a fourth movie

My third plot idea for a possible Poltergeist IV would be to do a completely new story-line revolving around another family with a ghost-problem,with some link to the first three movies,like the family moves to the same area,or even the same town, Cuesta Verde as the one from the first movie and the same ghosts haunt them,or one that has no link,with a totally new town, settling, as well as a new family and characters.The pro to this idea is that you get to put, or add new,fresh ideas to the series,but the con is the audience might get put off if you don't have some link to the first three films,and some also might be put off that you're not adding to the Carol Anne Freeling storyline.So,do you all like this idea,or no?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Second Plot Idea

This idea would actually be a prequel where it is explored about the back-story with the Reverend Kane and his followers and what's the cosmic link between him and Cuesta Verde and the Freelings,as many movie series are doing prequels now and this would be able to explore the back-story more.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

First plot idea

Okay,here's my first idea for this sequel.It should be a direct sequel in which time is fast-forward about five years to when Carol Anne Freeling is in college and she has finally moved on from the events of the first three movies,but is putting her experience to good use as a paranormal researcher and she goes around helping other people that are in the same situation her family was in,so much so that it triggers here memories of the events of the first 3 movies and that brings back the Reverend Kane.The pro to this idea would be that you get to continue on with the story-line,but the con would be how to explain why Kane is back,after Tangina led him into the light at the end of the third movie

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Introduction/Welcome to my blog

Almost from the time the second sequel to the 1980's horror trilogy "Poltergeist", came out in the summer of 1988, there have been rumors of a fourth movie/third sequel hitting theaters.Of course,this was put on hold due to many factors,including the death of one of the series' main character-actors Heather O'Rourke, who played little Carol Anne Freeling, early in 1988, and the much more recent death of another of the main actors of the series, Zelda Rubinstein who played Tangina Barrons in all 3 movies, in early 2010. Now there have also been rumors of a remake/reboot of the franchise/series,as well,but I'm going to deal with what I think would be some good ideas for the third sequel/fourth movie of the franchise,the latest rumor being that it's to be released in late 2013 or early 2014, and I'll outline the pros and cons of these ideas. Now, the first idea or possibility is that the main characters come back,that the story-line of Carol Anne Freeling and her family continues.Now,the most obvious con to this idea would be that new actors/actresses would have to play the main characters,like the characters of Tangina Barrons, and Carol Anne,and of course, possibly the replacement for the character of Dr. Lesh,since Beatrice Straight who played that role has since died,as well, assuming any characters who were only in the first movie were to come into play in this fourth one (which would also include someone to play Dana Freeling, what with the death of Dominique Dunne 30 years ago, as well). Also another con would be how to keep this series fresh,since there's only so many things you can do, as far as the characters' motivations.For example,you would have to explain why Reverend Kane is still after Carol Anne, even after Tangina offered to lead him into the light at the end of P3. Also,how to explain why he would be after CA, since Heather's character would now be 30-something years old, in 2013,and Tangina explained in P3 he would need her before she grows up,due to how strong her life-force was as a child,while it would be much weaker now that she's a 30-something adult.Could he be after her daughter, whose also a clairvoyant,since that runs in Diane's (played by JoBeth Williams) side of the family,according to P2? Second,if you were to bring back Dominique Dunne's character,how would you tie up the loose ends due to her disappearance in P2,when there was no mention of her whatsoever,so we're led to believe that Steve and Diane Freeling only had 2 children,and Dana was a phantom daughter.Another possibility could be a completely new story-line,or at least a semi-new one, where maybe the only link between P4 and the first 3 movies was Cuesta Verde,or the Reverend Kane (maybe one of his dead followers comes back and haunts another family,or tries to pursue Carol Anne this time, or maybe CA becomes a parapsychologist and tries to help other families who find themselves in the same situation that her family was in,in P1 and P2,and she finds out that one of these ghosts haunting this family was one of Kane's followers,and the events of this movie brings back painful memories of what she and her family went through in the first 2 movies),or just have a whole new situation arise with a whole new family,and/or new situation,maybe ghosts suck little girl into virtual reality,or into computer, or video-game world. The pros to this idea of a whole new story-line is you get to be more creative,and not have to recycle old ideas from the first 3 movies.The cons is that it might be too far removed from the Carol Anne Freeling story-line that fans of the first 3 movies will be turned off, or think they were ripped off,or duped into seeing P4,thinking that this was going to follow on with the saga of Carol Anne Freeling and her family,when this movie has no link,whatsoever,to the first 3 movies.Well, tell me what you all think,and share your ideas on what you think should be the plot for a possible P4,if it ever sees the light of day, no pun intended.