Tuesday, September 12, 2017

43 Scary Facts That Will Give You Nightmares

36. Memento Mori

In Victorian England, middle class people could not afford to hire artists to paint portraits of their families. So, when photography became popular, people decided to get family photos done. However, if someone died, and the family didn’t have a chance to get the photo done yet, they would prop up the dead body and take the family photo anyway.
Nightmares facts

35. I Pray the Lord My Soul to Take

During the filming of the 1982 horror movie Poltergeist, many people were injured, and some even died. Nearly everyone who was connected to the making of the film suffered such horrible fates that some believe the movie is cursed.
Nightmares facts

34. The Boogie Men

In Uganda, children are kidnapped and used as child sacrifices by witch doctors. They pay off local police to be sure that they’ll never get caught.
Nightmares facts

33. More than a Nightmare

In the 1970’s and 80’s, over 100 healthy people suddenly died in their sleep. Their families couldn’t explain it. Wes Craven was inspired by this idea, and it helped him to create Nightmare on Elm Street, where the villain finds and kills people in their dreams.
Nightmares facts

32. Off With Your Head!

The Guillotine was a machine used for executions, and it would chop people’s heads off. Witnesses reported the eyes moving on the heads moments before death. A modern-day experiment on rats confirmed that brains are still thinking several seconds after a head is removed from a body.
Nightmares facts

31. Love Lost

While many people take medications to cope with feelings of despair, certain types of antidepressants have been known to eliminate someone’s ability to feel love and compassion. Relationships have been ruined because these pills made their partner fall out of love with them.
Nightmares facts

Monday, September 4, 2017

Best Haunted House Horror Movies

If there is one thing that scares me in a horror movie its ghosts *shiver. Seriously give me endless zombie, vampire and slasher movies but give me a movie based on ghosts then I’m going to sleep with the lights on for about a week. Here is a list of the best haunted house horror movies.

Once you have read my top 10 list, leave me a comment and let me know if your favorite haunted house movie was listed.  After all, I am only human and forget about some great movies.

The Shining:

This horror masterpiece and definitely deserves to be placed at the top of this list. The movie is eerie, creepy and very ghostly. It was also, in my opinion, Jack Nicholsons best movie ever.


This movie has always scared the socks off of me and even now when I watch it I tend to hide behind a pillow.


Ok, so maybe it’s not a haunted house its a haunted hotel room but its bricks n cement all the same. I will never watch this movie again because I couldn’t sleep for a week after watching it.

The Amityville Horror:

This movie set the bar for all great haunted house movies. The Amityville Horror was based on actual true events which makes it even more creepy, don’t you agree?

The Conjuring:

Another ghostly movie loosely based on true events was this one. The movie may be a little slow to start but it soon picks up speed.

The Others:

This great haunted house movie is definitely one you should watch if you haven’t seen it. The movie ends up having one hell of a twist in it.

TheWoman In Black:

At first while watching this I could not get over the fact that a grown up Harry Potter was starring in a creepy horror movie lol. It’s another movie that I will never watch again because it scared me way to much. (Yes, I know I’m a wimp).

The Haunting In Connecticut:

I couldn’t leave this movie off the list due to the fact that I think it’s a fantastic haunted house movie and is more than a little creepy.

The Orphanage:

Ghosts are one thing but scary ghost children in a haunted house are a completely different level of creepiness.

Paranormal Activity:

What makes this movie stand out and what makes it so creepy is the fact that it’s a found footage movie with lots of ghostly going on’s.