her uncle carried her , her head was down and they didnt show her
face...she died and she didnt get to finish it.. thats pretty crazy...i
also heard that one of the girls that was possessed, in the movie
exorcist, the old movie, ever since heard and felt evil things...and
also the priest died while making the movie...isnt this all so crazy and
frightening??what do you think on this?? i think that those,
without-knowing, actors,actresses etc were calling out the demons..
5 answers
Best Answer:
Following the death of Heather O'Rourke in Feb. 1988 after she finished
her work on the film (April-June 1987), it was the decision of director
Gary Sherman to temporarily shelve the project during its
post-production phase. However, due to the amount of money that had
already been spent, MGM insisted that the film be finished and released
as scheduled for June of 1988 or they would find someone else to do it.
Apparently, after the film was given a PG rating by the MPAA in November
1987, the studio had already decided to have Sherman re-shoot the
ending with more graphic scenes, in order to "up" the rating to PG-13.
Planning for this re-shoot began in December 1987 and continued into
January 1988, but was temporarily put on hold when O'Rourke died Feb.
1st. The re-shoot (which used a body double stand in for Heather)
eventually took place in March, and the film was then "re-edited" and
given a PG-13 by the MPAA in April 1988. Director Sherman would later
claim that no such "re-shoot" took place, instead insisting that Heather
died before they could film the "original ending" and that the current
ending using the body double was what they hastily threw together when
forced to "finish" the film by MGM. However, he is contradicted by at
least six other people who also worked on the film who confirmed that
the original ending was in fact filmed before Heather died and that the
re-shoot of the ending took place after her passing. These people
include producer Barry Bernardi, actor Kipley Wentz, assistant editor
Jeanne Bonansinga, composer Joe Renzetti, special effects makeup artist
Doug Drexler, and the man who provided the voice for the Rev. Kane,
Corey Burton.
· 10 years ago
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No. She died during the making of it in Chicago. She had some kind of heart problem or something.
the girl who played the older sister in the first poltergeist, Dominique Dunne was killed sometime after the making of the movie. i think she was killed by her ex boyfriend or something. she was the daughter of Dominick Dunne the famous reporter and writer.
yea she died