After losing his job to corporate layoffs, Eric Bowen (Sam Rockwell)
is forced to relocate his wife (Rosemarie DeWitt), two daughters (Saxon
Sharbino as well as Kennedi Clements), and son (Kyle Catlett) to a more
affordable neighborhood. Burdened by mounting debt, the couple struggle
to find a new home but settle on a modest fixer-upper after their
realtor suggests recent foreclosures around the area have created wiggle
room in local real estate pricing. However, as the family gets set
up in their new house, six-year-old Maddy begins to notice strange
events: moving objects, static-electricity discharges, and voices that
no one else can hear.
Middle-child Griffin begins to worry these
unexplainable occurrences are something sinister – and tries to warn his
family. Unfortunately, the concerns are dismissed by his parents, who
believe Griffin is just overly-anxious about the move, until Maddy goes
missing – and resurfaces as a disembodied voice inside the family TV.
Unable to explain what is happening, the Bowens turn to a team
of parapsychologists to learn about the malevolent force that has
infiltrated their home – in the hope of finding a way to bring Maddy
Based on the original 1982 film of the same name, directed by Tobe Hooper and co-written by Steven Spielberg, the 2015
remake lands firm in the category of entertaining but entirely
unnecessary remakes. Aside from improved visual effects, a modern
setting, and some cathartic moments of chuckle-worthy humor,
director Gil Kenan’s version of
Poltergeist is a, comparatively, common haunted house movie. Longtime fans of the original film will have little reason to revisit the
series in this reboot – but Kenan’s film is still more
enjoyable (albeit only slightly) than similarly unoriginal horror films
that find success at the box office.

Sam Rockwell and the cast of ‘Poltergeist’
Whereas the 1982 film focused heavily on the responsibility and sacrifices of being a mother, the 2015
reboot is much more egalitarian – including roles for each member of
the family; though some are better, and more memorable, than others. The
result is a film that flirts with some interesting ideas in effort to
remake Hooper’s classic but comes across as more paint-by-numbers
updating/revision than inspired storytelling. All the essential pieces
are there, with a few cosmetic “twists” (example: the “medium” is a man
not a woman), but in his attempt to ground the movie with
relatable character drama (such as Eric Bowen’s financial troubles)
Kenan fumbles in connecting the movie’s most important element:
overarching mythology. Instead of a clear-cut (albeit parapsychological)
tale of undead souls, a malevolent entity, and the “light,” all of the
remake’s supernatural components are thrown together in a convoluted mix
– anchored by little more than throwaway lines of expository dialogue.
Rockwell is well-intentioned in the role of Eric Bowen, blending humor
and authenticity in a part that, with a different actor, could have been
a hollow outline. Given the actor’s extensive filmography, it shouldn’t
come as a surprise to see Rockwell steal the spotlight in
Still, while Eric Bowen is entertaining, he’s also one of the biggest
victims of Kenan’s choppy narrative. Early on, the movie
plants interesting seeds for Rockwell to unpack (including
self-destructive pride) but quickly abandons nearly all of them
once Maddy goes missing.

Kennedi Clements as Madison Bowen in ‘Poltergeist’
same can be said for nearly every other character. As an example,
significant emphasis is placed on Amy Bowen’s failure as a novelist –
without revisiting or utilizing the otherwise random detail later on.
Ultimately, Kenan sets an interesting stage but fails to
construct anything particularly notable on top of it. Even the team of
parapsychologists, led by Dr. Brooke Powell (Jane Adams), is bland –
reduced to technobabble-spouting background dressing rather than
insightful touchstones that inform
Poltergeist‘s audience on the finer points of supernatural consciousness.
of everyone, Griffin is given the most complete arc – with a
personable turn from Kyle Catlett (who even gets to make light of
familiar horror cliches). Griffin’s journey in the film isn’t
groundbreaking but Catlett, and a touch of subtle writing, imbues
Griffin with affecting vulnerability – instrumental
in providing much-needed emotional punch as events unfold in
Catlett’s interactions with Rockwell are especially good – as the
banter he shares with Jarred Harris (portraying TV
personality/accomplished medium Carrigan Burke).

That all said, as a horror genre entry,
Poltergeist falls
short in its primary goal: the remake simply isn’t very scary.
Regularly trading (budget) CGI effects in place of haunting build-ups
and spooky payoffs, the only semi-successful moments of terror are
uninventive jump scares. For that reason,
Poltergeist isn’t
essential horror movie viewing for anyone well-versed in the genre,
especially the remake’s 1982 inspiration. Long time horror connoisseurs
will find very few new ideas or scares in Kenan’s film.
(2015) is a forgettable diversion – one that may satisfy casual viewers
looking for a mildly eerie (and sometimes humorous) ghost story – but
is far from the imaginative and, downright terrifying, storytelling that
Poltergeist (1982) an enduring horror film classic.
Poltergeist (2015) runs
93 minutes and is Rated PG-13 for intense frightening sequences, brief
suggestive material, and some language. Now playing in 2D and 3D
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