Monday, August 7, 2017


I decided to combine the early (never filmed) scripted ending with the ending filmed during principal photography, AND the re-shot ending. Using a little fanfiction to tie them all together, I came up with this. It begins on the window washing rig, right after the evil Carol Anne tells Pat to "GO AWAY!"

ANGLE-PAT AND CAROL ANNE-Pat recoils in horror, wildly swinging the necklace at the evil presence in front of her. The fake Carol Anne steps back, disappearing into the fog.

Ice is starting to form on Bruce's face. He frantically attempts to wipe it away from his face and nostrils. His has not heard, and is thus not aware, of what has just transpired outside the window with Pat.
(a beat)
Carol Anne!
Attempting to keep his eyes open against the storm, he searches. Bruce is startled as he collides with a solid object. He spins to look at it.
HIS POV-It is one of the white plaster statues from Pat's gallery, the one that turned and looked at her menacingly that morning.
ANGLE-BRUCE-At first he looks confused. After the constant assault, it is an almost comical relief seeing something familiar, albeit out of place, standing like a pillar of salt amidst the terrible wrath that has been unleashed. His half smile quickly disappears when the statue SLAMS! down its plaster hand on his arm, digging into his flesh. As it strengthens its grasp, the plaster cracks and splits open revealing an icy skeletal hand beneath.
ANGLE-STATUE-The plaster face glares at him.
ANGLE-BRUCE-He wrests his arm away, hefts the spade back and aims the shovel end squarely into the statue's face.
CLOSE ON FACE OF STATUE-CRACK! The spade connects with the face, shattering the shell into dust.
ANGLE-BRUCE-His determined stare turns to shock.
HIS POV-The statue's face is now the face of KANE. It glares at him and lunges.
Pat is being slammed from side to side as she holds on to the saftey line. She's finally pulled forward and down onto the floor of the rig as she struggles to hang on.
Bruce struggles with Kane, a statue with a human head. The plaster body begin to crack, fracture as if it were bone, splitting under terrible pressure. Kane's icy hands rip and tear at Bruce as he struggles to gain distance and a swinging grip to the spade. The long icy nails shred Bruce's clothing as Bruce hefts back the spade and carries through with a warrior's swing.
CLOSE ON-KANE-The spade connects with Kane's neck, but rather than slicing through, Kane's neck shatters like dry plaster. The head flies off SCREAMING!; whisked away by the howling wind, which absorbs the terrible disembodied scream.
ANGLE-BRUCE-He stares off into the direction of the flying head. Shock turns to terror as the SOUND OF THE SCREAMING HEAD builds over the howl of the wind.
HIS POV-The disembodied head flies out of the storm, its teeth bared, a fierce baboon like creature. Razor sharp incisors burst from gumless bone. They snap! onto Bruce's shoulder.
Bruce's cries of pain can almost be heard amid the howling wind as Pat fights to her feet, the rope pulling her about the rig, slamming her against the building, against the back of the rig. CAMERA MOVES IN ON HER HANDS slowly losing her grip on the rope.
Bruce is slowly being covered with frost, his wet clothes going rigid, as he struggles with the head. He's losing strength, his fingers becoming numb, losing their grip on the spade, which is now ice-encrusted. He strikes the head again! Again! The head is gnawing its way up his arm to his shoulder, slowly feasting its way to his neck and a vulnerable artery. He hefts the spade back and swings again with the end at the face. The head of Kane seems to welcome each blow as a mark of Bruce's futility. The icy spade slips from Bruce's grasp, and is carried away by the internal storm. Bruce begins slamming his fist at the head as its powerful jaws clamp and climb their way up his torso. Suddenly, Bruce bashes the face with both hands. The head doesn't seem fazed at first, but soon the clamped jaws begin losing their grip. Bruce pulls back and continues his flurry of blows. Just as the head is about to snap its incisors down on Bruce's throat, he smashes the front of the face with his fist again, this time jabbing his finger into one of Kane's eye sockets.
With one more final desperate blow Bruce pounds Kane's face. The head shudders. Bruce pulls his useless fingers back from Kane's face. Its mouth flies open emitting A TERRIBLE SCREAM! as the head jettisons backward away from Bruce. ANGLE-THE HEAD-The head is propelled through the storm at a tremendous speed on a collision course with its mirror image. The images collide! CRASH! The mirror explodes!
ANGLE-BRUCE-The explosion knocks Bruce to the floor.
Pat is slammed back against the saftey railing. The rig shakes and quivers. The icy wind blasts out catching Pat and pinning her against the saftey railing. Ice begins to cover her, draining her of strength and attempting to knock her free of the rig. The rig begins to tremble and vibrate as Pat struggles to hold onto the rope.
Bruce almost devoid of strength, frozen, faltering tries to stand amid the tremendous wind, but he is being pelted by debris and objects that have caused a dangerous whirlwind. Bruce looks back toward the source of the wind. His nearly frozen face drops in disbelief.
HIS POV-A FLASH OF RED collides with him, knocking him to the ground. He turns to see Carol Anne (the real one this time, finally), her eyes frozen shut, her lips barely moving. He throws his arm around her as debris continues to swirl about them.
ANGLE-ANOTHER HUGE OBJECT FLIES TOWARD HIM. It slams into him, frozen arms reaching to hold on. It's Donna. Her SCREAMS! hardly audible over the building storm. With barely enough time to thrust his arms around his daughter, another object slams into him, holding on for dear life. It is Scott. They are like attached sculptures, frosting over as the ice begins to build on their bodies.
Hold on! Hold on!

Pat suddenly crashes back against the safety railing, horrified by the sight in her hands. The tether is broken.
No! No!
The melded mass of Bruce, Donna, Scott, and Carol Anne come flying through the fog, tossed about in the storm. Slaming into a wall and sliding along the icy floor. Ice rapidly builds up on them as they finally collide with a corner of the room and stop. A SHRIEK! cuts through the howling wind. They look up.
THEIR POV-Through the raging fog, an enormous icy sculpture of a face begins to push through. It is KANE. His face the essence of pure evil. The foul, decomposing champion in this war between life and death, one eye socket sunken, devoid of an eye, oozes with an icy flow. His mouth opens like that of an enormous jungle cat, hissing out an evil wind.
ANGLE-BRUCE, DONNA, SCOTT, CAROL ANNE-The wind pins them back, covering them with a deadly frozen ice, draining them of life, reducing them to a frozen sculpture.
Pat holds on to the trembling rig as she fights the icy wind and attempts to lengthen her safety cable.
CLOSE ON KANE-He hisses out his foul, cold breath.
ANGLE-BRUCE, DONNA, SCOTT, CAROL ANNE-The last ounce of life drains out of them. They have become a hideous ice sculpture. THE CAMERA MOVES IN ON THEM. The intense cold begins to crack the frozen mass. Fractures lines radiate across it. The ice connecting the four of them shatters and the lifeless bodies slide over to opposite ends of the room.

EXT. WINDOW WASHING RIG- Pat finally unlatches her safety belt and plunges from the washing rig through the broken window and into the screaming maelstrom.

Pat tumbles to the floor in a room which has become a world of pure, freezing rage. Shielding her eyes from the icy light and howling wind she staggers forward, searching and screaming.

Bruce! Bruce!

She is startled as a violent gust suddenly forces her to lose balance and she collides with a solid object. She falls and turns to it.

HER POV-She is eye-level with the top of Carol Anne's bed. A few inches away, Carol Anne's Speak 'n Spell, frosted with ice suddenly comes to life. Its sound eerily cuts through the din.

B-R-U-C-E. Bruce. Can you spell Trish?

CLOSE ON PAT-As she scrambles back away from the bed. She falls again over another object on the floor. It is Carol Anne's body, frozen in the throws of death and pinned to the floor by a solid sheet of ice. Terrified, Pat screams and rolls away. She is immediately confronted by another ice statue. This one contains the bodies of Donna and Scott, twisted in death beneath the ice. Pat recoils and stumbles onto a third ice statue. It holds the grotesquely frozen body of Bruce. She screams in agony and horror.

Bruce! Oh my God...Bruce!

Pat throws herself at the frozen form, desperately beating and clawing at it with her hands. Her eyes wild with emotion, she suddenly focuses on something.

HER POV-She sees Kane looking down at her through the ice and fog.

ANGLE-PAT-As she rises and hurls herself at Kane. She SLAMS into the mirror. With a passionate fury, her hands madly tear away at the ice and frost on the surface.

You can't take them! Tangina said you can't, as long as someone here loves them. Well I love them! And I have this [she holds up the necklace] to protect me!

She suddenly stops. She spins around, realizing that Kane is not behind the mirror, but behind her in the room!
HER POV-KANE is moving toward her. He grins behind his cold breath.

ANGLE-PAT-As she slides along the mirror, just out of his grasp. She is crying.


Suddenly, Pat's mirror image spins around, it's face a death mask, it grabs her viciously. It reaches for the necklace. Kane laughs as Pat screams. She hits out at her evil image. It releases its grip.

Pat sees her reflection is back to normal. From behind her:
The necklace!
Pat spins around, as Kane moves up behind her and slaps her hard across the face. She falls down and hits something on the floor. There is the sound of dried leaves. It is the rotting body of one of Kane's followers. It sits up out of the mist and tries to grab the necklace. Pat screams and backs away, now falling on top of another withered corpse. It lunges. Pat kicks it in the stomach, but it lunges again, this time joined by the other corpse. The two of them hold her down. Follower #2 grabs the necklace, but BOLTS OF GLOWING BLUE ELECTRICITY shoot out from the amulet and COURSE OVER the zombie's body. It screams, as LINES OF LIGHT erupt across its face. There is an explosion of light as the ghoul dissipates back into the fog which has been floating along the bedroom floor.
Kane looks annoyed. Realizing the power of the necklace, Pat pulls herself up and presses the amulet directly into Corpse #1's face. It screams in agony, as the the same LINES OF LIGHT spread across the face. Another FLASH! as the follower dissolves back into the mist. Pat backs up against the wall mirror and into something on the floor. It is the spade Bruce was using earlier.
Give me the necklace!
PAT (slowly standing up, taking the spade with her)
The necklace!
She swings the spade, neatly slicing off Kane's head. His body falls back to the floor. Pat looks down at the severed head, lying on the ice covered floor. Its mouth begins to twist in pain, low gutteral sounds emanating from within. Suddenly the face begins to decompose and peel away from the bone.
Her POV-The flesh continues to peel away revealing the mummified face beneath. Kane's mouth opens letting out a blood-curdling SCREAM. But, from somewhere in the distance comes Kane's unmistakable laugh. The storm grows more violent than ever.

Close on PAT-Her eyes fly toward the mirror.
Over PAT-Kane steps out of the fog.
Her POV-She looks toward where the head was.
Her POV-There is nothing on the floor but snow.
Back to PAT-She looks up at Kane.
Her POV-Kane laughs at her.
You cannot win....because I am SMAAARRTTT. And, you shall never see your family again.
With this, Kane pushes his hand into the mirror. At his touch, a circular bluish bilocation point appears, a direct portal to The Other Side. The opening begins to suck things toward it. Kane motions his hand toward the four frozen bodies still on the floor. The frozen forms slide along the floor and are sucked, one by one, into the opening. Carol Anne is the last to vanish into it.
No, you bastard!

Kane touches his hand once more to the portal, and it closes shut. As Pat backs away, sobbing, his begins to sing a familiar hymn.
God is in, His Holy Temple....Earthy Silent Now.....
Suddenly, TANGINA's  off screen voice intrudes.
ANGLE: Pat turns toward the mirror. She has to guide her face to look into the storm.
Over Pat and Kane: Tangina steps toward them, but only in the mirror.
Pat looks from mirror to Kane back to mirror.
Pat's POV of Tangina in mirror.
ANGLE-Kane looks at Tangina.
Give her back her family. You don't need them. You don't need Carol Anne. I can lead you into the Light. I have the knowledge...and the power!
Angle-Pat looks at Kane. A slight smile appears on his face, as he walks toward the mirror and INTO his own reflection with a FLASH of light. He joins Tangina on the other side of the mirror. She takes his hand, and they walk into the fog. In the distance, we SEE that THE LIGHT has appeared.
No! Tangina don't. Tell me how to use the necklace, so I can save all of you.
Thank you, Pat. But this is the way it has to be. Say goodbye to Carol Anne for me. Tell her I'll always love her, and that her nightmare is over.
Close on PAT-Fear wipes across her face.
Pat (shouts)
Angle-Pat runs toward the mirror as Tangina and Kane begin to disappear in the ever increasing glow behind the fog and growing storm. THUD! Pat hits the mirror.
The glow behind the fog grows into a blinding light. The sound of the storm builds to an ear-splitting level, drowning out Pat's scream.
Tangina and Kane walk into the Light, and are gone.
Pat (screams)
Tangina, wait! Where are they?
Close on PAT-Tears run down her face, as she claws at the mirror. Then distant voices come wafting through the violent storm. Pat pries her eyes open. Along the floor we see that the ever present mist has started to glow. The voices are coming from there. The mist rises up and takes human forms. We SEE that these are the last few of Kane's followers and people from the Cuesta Verde cemetery. Now free to go into the Light at long last, they rush into it, turning into spirit lights themselves as they do.
Pat watches all this. Suddenly it is quiet. And the Light is beginning to fade. Pat closes her eyes, softly crying to herself, lost and alone. But then Bruce's voice breaks the silence.
Pat looks up. Her POV:
Angle-in the mirror, far away, FOUR FIGURES emerge from the fog. Bruce carries Carol Anne in his arms. Donna is on Bruce's left, holding on to his arm, while Scott walks slowly next to Donna .
She smiles through her tears as her family and Scott get closer to the mirror. Bruce steps INTO the mirror from his side as Pat reaches out toward him. There is a FLASH of light and a huge explosion of energy as the four of them step through the mirror and join Pat. Another BURST of LIGHT and the five of them are blown back away from the mirror and onto the bed.

One final catastrophic violent surge BLASTS! through the window sending energy swirling up through the clouds. Its dissemination creating prismatic beams which shoot up into the sky, dissipating, absorbed into the vast dark expanse.

The storm is quickly dissipating-Visibility returns. THE CAMERA MOVES IN ON BRUCE, PATRICIA, DONNA, CAROL ANNE, AND SCOTT on the bed. Their arms intertwined around each other. The five of them together in a family embrace sharing tears of joy and relief. Bruce has lifted Carol Anne. Pat stretches up and kisses her lovingly on the cheek. The necklace is lying on the bed where Pat has dropped it. They are all facing away from the mirror except for Carol Anne who is facing it over Bruce's shoulder. Her eyes focus on the mirror.

HER POV-In the mirror is the reflection of the whole group. Amid them stands Tangina, though in transparent, glowing spirit form. She smiles into CAMERA and waves a gentle "goodbye" to Carol Anne with her fingers.

ANGLE-CAROL ANNE-As she returns the gesture, a solitary tear wells up in one eye and gently rolls down her cheek.
ANGLE-OVER CAROL ANNE-and into the mirror. Tangina appears to walk around the group and in front of them. Carol Anne turns her head into the camera.

HER POV-There is no one in front of them, just the silence of the room and the remains of the now unbroken window looking out to the skyline.

ANGLE-THE FAMILY AND SCOTT-Tangina is no longer in the mirror behind them. All that remains is a family together and safe.

THE CAMERA BACKS out of the room and passes through the unbroken window. It PANS across the face of the building, finally settling on the morning sun rising over the shimmering waters of Lake Michigan, it's cleansing light wiping out the nightmare that claimed a special life, a life sacrificed to save a family.

THE END        

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